Pastor Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in California, recently shared this post on Facebook. I thought there were so many great thoughts here that I wanted to keep a copy for myself, while making it available for others who may not have otherwise seen it.
Warren’s article also made me appreciate some of the men that I’ve been privileged to know, who have been faithful to their ministry and calling for so many years.
The Value of Staying in One Place to Minister
Tonight, at the great West Angeles Church of God in Christ in Los Angeles, I have the privilege of honoring one of America’s great pastors — a wonderful co-worker in ministry, a powerful force for good in the city of Los Angeles, and a dear friend of mine. Bishop Charles Blake has pastored West Angeles Church in the heart of L.A. for forty-six years! That’s what you call “putting down roots” in a congregation and city. There aren’t many pastors who’ve cared for one congregation for that long. (One of my six mentors served his church in Dallas for fifty years.)
Bishop Charles Blake
A big reason why many churches are plateaued and declining is because they change leaders every few years. There’s no way a church can grow healthy and strong if the office of the pastor has a revolving door. What would happen to a family that got a new daddy every three or four years? The children would have massive trust issues, not knowing who they could count on, and all kinds of emotional wounds, including a fear of abandonment, poor self-esteem, and a suspicious attitude toward relationship. When so many pastors move around every few years (or they are forced to move by their denomination), it’s no wonder that many churches are weakened by conflict, cliques, gossip, and distrust.
Usually in a church, the first year of a new pastor is the “honeymoon” — everybody tries to get along and be happy. (Actually it’s not really a honeymoon; just suspended judgment!) The second year of the new pastor, he starts to be criticized by people who don’t like his new direction for the church. The seven last words of the church, “We have never done it that way!” By the third or fourth year, somebody has to leave — either the pastor leaves, or the dissatisfied leave. From 35 years of coaching pastors and mediating church conflicts between members and their pastors, I’ve seen this over and over. When the pastor leaves, the problems stay (they’re left for the next poor pastor to deal with). But if the pastor stays, the problems leave. Either the problem is eventually solved, or the problem-creators move on to another church. It’s sad that one study showed that the average pastor gives up and leaves because of seven vocal critics.
When I planted Saddleback Church 35 years ago, I made a public commitment to our first members to stay as their pastor — through thick and thin — for 40 years. God willing, I intend to keep that commitment. It has not always been easy; I’ve often wanted to resign on many Monday mornings. But like my marriage vow, I made a commitment to God that I do not take lightly. Looking back, and then looking at all the good Saddleback has accomplished around the world, I’m grateful that I never gave up on my calling, or the vision God gave me, or the precious people He placed under my care and leadership (1 Peter 5:1-3, Hebrews 13:17). But I’m even more grateful that God never gave up on me, because I’m not the same man I was when Kay and I started the church 35 years ago. While the church was growing, God was also growing me.
God is a systematic God. He created the solar system. The Animal Kingdom and Plant Kingdom are systems in a finely balanced environment. Your body is a collection of systems — digestive, respiratory, nervous, skeletal, circulatory, and other systems. Just like God designed your body to function around nine systems, the Body of Christ, the church, is designed to function around five biblical systems. While pastoring Saddleback, it’s also been my privilege to assist and train other pastors in setting up the biblical systems of:
1. Fellowship
2. Worship
3. Discipleship
4. Service
5. EvangelismAt last count, I served over 440,000 pastors from 164 countries. In every training program, I’ve told the pastor the same thing: I can teach you the personal character (Psalm 78:72), the biblical purposes (Matthew 22:37-40 and Matthew 28:19-20), the New Testament structure (Acts 5:42), and the necessary skills (Ecclesiastes 10:10) that will grow a congregation, but I cannot teach you how to do it quickly! It took me 35 years! To grow something strong and healthy takes time. When God wants to grow a mushroom, He takes six hours, but when He wants to make an oak tree, He takes 60 years. So here’s the question: Do you want your church to be a mushroom or an oak tree? If you want it to last, you can’t grow it fast. True discipleship takes time.
One thing that I’m personally opposed to are these published lists of “The Fastest Growing Churches.” They reinforce short-term thinking. But strength, not speed, is what matters. No one cares how long it took Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel. What matters is its lasting beauty. Fast-growing churches don’t impress me. I could teach you a dozen ways to attract a crowd fast, but a crowd is not a church! What impresses me are the number of disciples in a small group fellowship, active with the spiritual habits, serving in ministry, and being sent out on mission. You judge the strength of a church not by its seating capacity but by its sending capacity. Yes, we’ve baptized over 42,000 adult believers, but just as important, Saddleback has over 40,000 studying the Bible each week in small groups, has over 27,000 members serving in what we call bi-vocational ministries, and has sent 24,869 of our members to serve overseas in 197 countries. You can’t do any of that quickly! You have to stay put and be patient! There are instant crowds, but no instant churches, and attendance is only one of a dozen vital signs of a healthy congregation.
There are too many advantages and benefits of staying in one place for ministry than I have space to mention in this post. But here’s one benefit I’ve witnessed over and over: When you lead with love and integrity, your ministry gets better every year. But if you don’t lead with love and integrity, it gets worse and more difficult every year. You can pretend to love people for a few years, but you can’t fake love for 35 years! The people figure out if you are legit, because there is never a moment when they aren’t watching you, and testing your credibility. If you are a leader, people are constantly doing a “credit check” on you before they invest themselves. People want to know:
1. Does my pastor love me?
2. Does he practice what he preaches?
3. Does he lead by example, making the first sacrifice?The Good Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep. And if a pastor does that humbly and consistently year after year after year, the people will follow you anywhere… even if it means charging hell with squirt guns!
I don’t have the space to explain the background and reasons, but one time the members of Saddleback Church once voted unanimously by anonymous ballot to purchase a $13 million piece of property — without knowing the purchase price, because I had said two words: “Trust me.” Of course I would not have even attempted to suggest that in the early years of Saddleback. But after a 20-year track record of love, sacrifice, wise decisions, and a willingness to own up to my mistakes and weaknesses, I had earned their trust.
Bishop Blake is that kind of leader. For 48 years he has been able to impact Los Angeles in ways like no other pastor. I know, because he stayed put! In 1 Timothy 1:12, Paul said, “I thank God for putting me into the ministry.” Ministry is received, not achieved. It is a gift of God’s grace. And if God puts you into ministry, then you must stay put, until He announces other plans for you!
During the past eight years, my friend Charles Blake has also served as leader of the Church of God in Christ, America’s oldest and largest African-American Pentecostal denomination with 6.5 million members worldwide. Charles has spoken twice at Saddleback and helped Kay and me launch our summit on caring for people with AIDS. Years ago, he asked me to come to the COGIC Annual Bishops and Elders Gathering and teach the Purpose Driven Church Seminar to their leadership. Tonight West Angeles Church will honor the 75th birthday of their pastor, and I was deeply touched when Charles called me, and asked me to preach at his 75th birthday.
The world — and the Church — need far more partnerships between black, white, brown, and every other color of pastors and churches. It was encouraging to see Caucasian and Asian and Hispanic pastors working in solidarity with our sister Black churches after the tragedies of Ferguson and Charlotte. The only way to overcome evil is with good, and the only way to overcome hatred is with love.