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Posting is a strange form of bravery

I think blogging and social media often require a strange form of bravery…

  1. Post some content. Here is something I thought is interesting — a thought 💭, an activity 🚶‍♂️, a photo 📷…
  2. Hope someone sees 👀 it. Well, Facebook has my content now, and their advertisers will soon, too, but I hope the algorithms 🤖 let this through to my friends 🫂 and acquaintances here.”
  3. Hope someone likes 👍 it. Assuming people see it, I hope some subgroup of people likes it enough to react, to respond kindly. I hope I didn’t offend or upset anyone with my content.”
  4. Repeat continually. Hey, let’s do that again.” 🔁

There are some days when the whole process seems completely foreign to me — and yet, here I am… 🤷‍♂️

Posted on 2021-11-23   #blogging     #bravery     #Facebook     #social media  

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