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Three Words for 2018

For several years, Chris Brogan has been using three words to help provide focus to his year. Looking at his blog, he’s been doing this since at least 2006.

This practice has spread to others, including Mike Vardy at Productivityist, and even the Huffington Post.

A Google search for three words for the year” returns over 1 million results.

Here are my three words to help me focus in 2018.


I’ve enjoyed music for as long as I can remember. I like to listen to music, I like to play music on the piano, and I like to sing along with music.

My parents were very good examples for us in this area: they sang for many years in the church choir, they sang in various small groups, and they encouraged us to listen to good music.

My parents were also strong supporters in developing our musical talents, making sure that we got to take private lessons, be part of the school choir, be part of the school band, and more. In fact, my brother and I both went on to get our college degrees in music.

But lately, I’ve found myself almost taking music for granted. In part, I think, because it’s so accessible now — I have thousands of songs available to me at any time, thanks to my devices, like my iPhone, iPad, and MacBook, and thanks to several music services, including Apple Music, Amazon Music, Spotify, and Pandora.

And I can frequently use music simply as background noise” to help me focus and tune out other distractions, especially at work.

So here are my music goals for 2018:


I’ve always enjoyed reading — especially after my parents got rid of our TV when I was five years old, and reading became a major part of our daily entertainment. (I know that may be hard for a lot of people to fathom, a life without TV, but my brother and I honestly look back on it as a positive thing.)

Throughout my life, I’ve continued a habit of regular reading, as I believe that leaders are readers, and that we need to be lifelong learners. I’ve even done a pretty decent job of keeping track of what I’ve read.

Here are my reading goals for 2018:


The last few years have not been exactly peaceful for me. The problems started several years ago when I began battling anxiety, but I took a big step forward in 2014 when I finally admitted that I had a problem and got help. Between my family doctor, a counselor, a psychiatrist, my pastor, my wife, some key friends, and prescribed medications, I’ve made good strides in the past few years, despite external circumstances that would have previously driven me to a panic attack.

The years 2016 and 2017 were especially tumultuous years for my family, as we experienced major changes in health, employment, and more.

But now, I feel like we’re starting to get into a stable situation again, at least from our perspective. In these past few years, I’ve learned to trust God more fully, and to look to Him for peace, but as I enter 2018, I want to be sure that I take these lessons learned and truly make them a part of my life.

Here’s to a good 2018…

Posted on 2018-01-01   #Anxiety     #Books     #Chris Brogan     #Mental Health     #Mike Vardy     #Music     #Peace     #Reading     #Three Words  

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